Saturday, October 20, 2012

The free gift of salvation

This is roughly how the "gift of salvation" was presented to me as a child. Easy peasy, right?

Here's what's actually going on. Click to embiggen.

1 comment:

  1. FAITH: the little word that prevents evangelicals from understanding that "free" really does mean FREE!

    If you are sitting in your living room, watching television, and you see a promotion for entering a contest to win a "free" prize, but down at the very bottom of the television screen, for maybe two seconds, in small, faint print, you read this statement: "$15 entrance fee required" this prize really free?

    No. Why? Because you had to do something to receive it!

    If you go on vacation to a luxury resort and are told that the resort is giving away a free steak and lobster dinner...and all that you have to do to receive this free dinner is to sit through an hour and a half time-share that steak and lobster dinner really free?

    No. Why? Because you had to do something to receive it!

    So when an evangelical Christian tells you that salvation is a free gift, and that all you have to do to receive it, is to make a free-will, mature, informed, adult or older child that a free gift?

    No. Why?!

    So why do so many evangelicals require a "decision" if they believe that salvation is a free gift from God; when they insist that salvation is not based on any good work of the sinner???
